
As Christians, we’re called to be disciples of Jesus every day, everywhere—not just on Sundays. We host a variety of different Christian podcasts to help encourage and guide you in your faith daily. From sermon podcasts to church podcasts to Christian devotional podcasts, we have something for you!

Grace Church Sermons

Did you miss a sermon? Need a memory refresh? Want to see what we’ve been learning? Visit our sermon archive to watch all of our latest sermons online!

Exiles: A Gospel of Mark Podcast

Join us as we journey through the entire Gospel of Mark, diving deep each week with real, authentic conversations about the latest sermon in our series.

Reinventing Church Podcast

Follow Grace Church’s journey as they depart from modern church growth trends and reinvent themselves by equipping everyday Christians to live out their faith in real life.

Grace Church Sermons: Russian

All of our latest sermons are now also being translated into Russian for our growing number of Russian listeners!

Whoisgrace Weekly Podcast

Explore our archive of weekly in-depth conversations with one of the Grace Church Pastors and its members as they explore timely cultural issues and what the Bible says about it.

My Chair Podcast

Join host Pastor Sarah Burtt as she explores the daily readings and devotional content from our previous “I AM Jesus” sermon series. This is a great devotional podcast to listen to on your commute, a quick drive to the store, or in the morning after your own chair time.