Grace Online

Weekly Online Church Broadcasts

Television Broadcast

You can catch our online worship broadcasts every Sunday on some local TV stations here in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Sundays on Local TV:

WICU 7:00am
WSEE 8:00am
ENN+ 11:00am

Grace Church Online - YouTube

Sundays at 8:30am EST.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and click the notification bell so that you never miss our online church broadcast every Sunday at 8:30am EST. Catch this broadcast to also interact with our live chat hosts for prayer, support, etc. The broadcast replay will also be available after the broadcast ends without the hosted chat.

Grace Church Online - Facebook

Sundays at 8:30am EST.

Follow our Facebook page so that you’ll never miss our online church broadcast that will be streamed every Sunday at 8:30am EST. Catch this broadcast to also interact with our live chat hosts for prayer, support, etc. The broadcast replay will also be available after the broadcast ends without the hosted chat.


Check out our Read Plan resources for our brand new series.

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