Welcome to LAUNCH

A series of six experiences

At Grace we are following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day, everywhere. What does that mean? What does that look like? Join us for LAUNCH, a series of six experiences that will help you understand what it means to BE Together in Worship, BELONG to a Group or Team, BUILD Your Life Calling, and BLESS Your World as one of God’s Dream Disciples wherever you live, work, learn, and play.

Spring 2025

Sundays: 9am

February 2

Sundays: 9am

February 2

Sundays: 9am

February 2

Mondays: 6:30pm

February 3

Wednesdays: 10:30am

February 5

Thursdays: 11:45am

February 6

Thursdays: 6:30pm

February 6

Sundays: 11am

February 9

Sundays: 11am

February 9