Become a Dream Disciple of Jesus

What is a Dream Disciple?

At Grace Church, we strive to become better Christians and Disciples of Jesus every day, not just on Sundays. As disciples of Jesus, we can tell a better story when we live out these four “Dream Disciple” roles every day, everywhere. These roles also allow us to more easily track our progress as biblical disciples, both individually and as a church community. Explore the roles below and download this one sheet to keep the info with you.

The 4 Roles of a Dream Disciple

As disciples of Jesus, we tell a better story when we
live out these four roles where we live, work, learn, and play.

How to Select a Discipleship Tool

We recommend selecting one tool from the list below based on which Dream Disciple role you would like to develop. We’ll immediately send you the tool, then walk you through a series of weekly emails to help you improve in that role and walk it out every day, everywhere. We’ll also guide you through the rest of the discipleship tools for each role.

If you’re the type of person who likes to have everything at once, you can download all of the tools here.

Compassionate Storyteller

I know God’s story and my place in it, and I’m motivated to tell the people in my life.

Discipleship Questions

Where is God showing up in my story this week?  

Who needs to hear God’s story through my story?  

Savvy Follower

I discern God’s voice and follow his lead at the right time in the right way.  

Discipleship Questions

What has God spoken to me through His word this week, and what am I doing about it?  

What decision am I facing right now that requires God’s unique perspective and how will I seek it?  

Intentional Friend

I partner with God to build healthy relationships and restore broken ones.

Discipleship Questions

Who in my life needs me the most during this season, and what is my next step with them?  

Where do I need to lean into a relationship that has become distant or broken?  

Embedded Influencer

I understand how God has purposefully gifted and positioned me to multiply His work in the world.    

Discipleship Questions

How have I leveraged my unique skills or position this week for God’s mission?  

What is one situation in my life right now that I am uniquely equipped to influence?