Online Sermons and Resources

The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Mark

War, hostility, suffering. Corruption, confusion, abuse. The world we live in today is not much different than the world of first-century Christians. Then and now, followers of Jesus need to stick close to Jesus, understanding His gospel and His Kingdom.

Awake the Lake

Awake the Lake

Our new measure of success at Grace Church over the next 10 years will be built around not how many people we bring in, but how many disciples we send to tell the world a better story as we follow Jesus into all the spaces where we live, work, learn, and play.

True Identity

True Identity

In a world of self-discovery, "Who am I?" and "What is my purpose?" are universal questions. Amidst the complexity of modern life and social media, defining our true, authentic selves can be overwhelming.

Holy Week 2024

Holy Week 2024

Join us for Holy Week 2024, as we explore the greatest story ever told. From Palm Sunday's cheers to Good Friday's sorrows, this journey mirrors life's ups and downs. Just like Jesus rose on Easter, He can resurrect your buried hopes when you feel hopeless.

Future Church

Future Church

Often, we find ourselves wondering, "What is my purpose in life?" Historically, church success was marked by attendance and participation. Yet, one of Jesus’ main teachings prompts us to explore "What is Christian discipleship?" and the essence of biblical discipleship.



While New Year's resolutions often focus on health, diet, exercise, and finances, we invite you to consider the well-being of your soul. Before you invest in gym memberships, spa visits, or self-help books, take a moment to reflect on the importance of your soul’s health.

Christmas Behind the Curtain

Christmas Behind the Curtain

Christmas often brings unspoken burdens and pressures. Amidst the dazzling lights, beautifully adorned wreaths, delicious cookies, and Instagram-worthy trees, lie weary souls – men, women, and children exhausted from time, money, and effort spent, yet feeling empty. No wrapping paper or glitter can hide the emotions and struggles beneath the surface.

We Believe

We Believe

What do Christians believe? In a time when division and controversy are far more prevalent than unity and understanding, it is hard to give a clear and concise answer to Christian beliefs. But from the early days of the Church in the first century until now, Christians have been committed to the core beliefs of their faith.