Impact global missions with your LifeGroup.
Interested in what it means for your LifeGroup to adopt a missionary? Choose from one of three ways below to connect with one of our Missionary Partners and follow the link to get started!
Level One: Partner for Prayer
- Read up on your missionary’s profile here and use the links in their biography to learn more.
- Join the Grace Church Global Missions Community on WhatsApp and locate your missionary’s group to stay in tune with your missionary’s updates (HINT: If you aren’t great with technology, this would be a perfect assignment for someone else in your LifeGroup!).
- Pray for them each time your group gathers. Check out this resource for some suggestions on how to pray.
Level Two: Partner for Support
Do everything in Level 1, and add this:
As a group, commit to giving toward their ministry. When you give to the All Global Missions Fund at Grace, you support a wide range of missionaries, local non-profits, and our Global Partnerships. When a need arises (whether the war in Ukraine or an earthquake in Haiti), our Global Missions fund also allows us to step in and help.
Note, we would ask you to consider donating to your missionary’s specific fund through their organization (where applicable, listed in their biography on on top of what you generously give to our Global Missions fund.
Level Three: Partner for Relationship
Do everything in Levels 1 and 2, and add this:
Do life together!
- Find out about special dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) and send an email or card to acknowledge the special day.
- Learn the names of the people close to them in ministry. Become familiar with their lives and what is near to their hearts.
- Ask for specific prayer requests, and remember to let them know you have continued to pray for that request until there is an answer.
- Email often and, if possible, send cards/letters and even gifts to let them know they are thought of and loved.
- Host them for dinner or a LifeGroup gathering when they are in town. Maybe even open your home to them as a place to stay!