Christopher & Jane, West Asia
Current Mission:
There are dozens of languages spoken in this sensitive country in West Asia, and for each of them, Scripture is widely unavailable. Some language groups do have any translated Scriptures. For those that do have some translation, the average person in the country cannot obtain a copy. Local believers are extremely few. In West Asia, there is so much misinformation about what the Scriptures actually say, and what Christians believe. How will they access the Scripture & hear the good news about Jesus?
Christopher & Jane* work with a team of Bible translators & linguists. This team serves the language communities of West Asia through Bible translation & language-based community development. Christopher & Jane serve the team in the areas of administration, staff care, & finance to ensure that they can continue toward the goal of making the Scriptures and the Good News accessible in West Asia.
Biggest Support Needs
- Prayer for balancing several challenging work, life, & family responsibilities.
- Financial partnership to meet a newly increased ministry budget.
Special Challenges
Working in the context of a different majority religion presents unique ministry & security challenges. For more information, contact Grace Missions Lead Brittney Wolf.