

 Paige Troxell  

I grew up in a Christian household where I knew what it meant to be a Christ follower but it was not until I went on a mission trip to inner city Philadelphia when I realized the need for people to hear the gospel. When I was in college I got involved in Cru, where I learned what it actually meant to have a personal relationship with Christ. This led me on a summer mission trip to the Dominican Republic, where God showed me that there are people all over the world who have never heard the gospel. While on that trip, God gave me the opportunity to go to a conference where he called me to serve him for a year overseas after college in the Dominican Republic. There God revealed to me the spiritual needs in Europe and ultimately in Sweden. My heart is ever growing towards Swedes and the need for the gospel in Sweden.  

Current Mission:  

Our ministry is aimed towards university students and the church. Our goal is to be a bridge between Uppsala University and the local church. We believe that the church in Uppsala is the best place to get students interested in faith, grow in their faith and share their faith. We are a resource to help the local church reach out to the campus and for students to find their place in the church. 

Our vision: To help people find and follow Jesus and strengthen the church.  

Our Distinctives: Evangelism, Discipleship and Bible Study.  

Relational evangelism: We train students and young adults on how to talk to classmates, co-workers, friends and family about their faith and about Jesus.  

Discipleship: Spiritual Discipleship, where we help christians walk deeper and more closely with God  

Bible Study: We study/teach how to study the bible together in small groups or individually.  

Biggest support needs:    

Sweden is a pretty expensive place to live and my support goal is always growing. I am always in need of people who are excited about my ministry in Sweden to join my team financially. Also our team in Sweden has no budget for outreaches or other ministry costs so that comes out of the finances I raise personally, so I am also looking for one time gifts to bless the ministry here with!  

Special Challenges:  

We would love for more staff/volunteers to join us in Uppsala, so that we can reach more people. Also, navigating culture and the postmodern/secular/individualistic mindset.