Phil & Linda Gottschalk
Phil & Linda Gottschalk have been supported by Grace Church since 1987! We went out originally to Yugoslavia (Serbia) in 1986. We learned Serbian and taught in the Eastern European Bible Institute, a training school for Yugoslavs. In 1992-94 we lived in Novi Sad, Serbia during the Bosnian War and worked with young Serbian refugees from Bosnia. We discipled and trained many people from the former Yugoslavia during that period.
In 1995-2000 we lived in Belgium where Phil did further studies. We also worked with international students as a part of ICEL, the International Church of Evangelicals in Leuven.
From 2000-2021 we taught as a part of Tyndale Theological Seminary near Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Phil was a Professor of Apologetics and Linda was Librarian and later taught Church History and Research Methods (Assistant Professor). Again, we discipled and trained dozens of young men and women from many countries: Albania, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Liberia, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Serbia, Slovenia, S. Korea, Ukraine, the UK and the US. From 2011-2021 Phil was also coordinator for the Zaporizhzhya Bible Seminary’s Master of Theology program (Ukraine).
Current Mission:
In August 2022 Phil & Linda moved to Romania to work with Ukrainian refugees. They live now in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Romania borders Ukraine. There are some 90,000 Ukrainian refugees in Bucharest. Phil & Linda will work alongside a group of churches and organizations, UBC22 (Ukraine Bucharest Churches 22).