

Shirley and Terry Snyder

Terry retired after serving 40 years as a United Methodist pastor. He has a doctorate in Marriage and Family Ministry and has done extensive counseling. He serves as Personnel Consultant conducting assessments of staff and new ministry candidates, advises on hiring decisions and coordinates with the Mobilization Team identifying new staff and developing leadership utilizing the Grlp-Birkman assessment process of team building. 

Shirley retired as a pastor’s wife and is now a consultant to the Consultant and travel coordinator. She keeps in touch with the staff families as they experience birthdays, births, sickness, death, and life events. 

Current Mission:

China Outreach Ministries (COM) places staff in university communities in the United States to reach out to the hundreds of thousands of Chinese students and scholars with the love of Christ. We presently have staff on 59 universities 

For the last 18 years Terry and Shirley have done staff care for the staff of COM. They have traveled all over the US visiting and caring for staff.