Following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day everywhere.

Awake the Lake (Future Church) Update! 

Thank you again for the time you invested in our Large Group Leader Gatherings for “Future Church.” Your insight and perspective was invaluable! Here is an update from Pastor Derek so you’re up to speed and ready to help lead into the future!

Also, if you have any questions or comments we can answer, please feel free to email Aaron Lundberg.  


Dream Disciple

As disciples of Jesus, we tell a better story when we live out these four roles:

Compassionate Storyteller

I know God’s story, my place in it, and am motivated to tell the people in my life.

Savvy Follower

I discern God’s voice and follow his lead at the right time in the right way.

Intentional Friend

I partner with God to build healthy relationships and restore broken ones.

Embedded Influencer

I understand how God has purposefully gifted and positioned me to multiply His work in the world.

Our Core Values

We start with Scripture

because God’s word reveals God’s purposes.

We stay hungry

because we refuse to settle for a passive faith.

We play offense

because an advancing church brings light to a dark world.

We invite conversation

because authenticity disarms divisiveness.

We are all in

because the church is best when every person is mobilized.

Future Church Resources

LifeGroup Leader Guides

Whether you’re a LifeGroup Leader or not, feel free to use this guide to help you walk through the teaching series.

Question/Comment Form

If you want to submit a question or thought about Future Church, use this form and someone will get back to you within a few days!

Read Plan PDF

Your weekly to daily person study resource.